Biblical Articles

These articles were part of the forum on Biblical Symbols and Articles. I have separated them so they will be easier to read and study. Some are short and some are longer and will take some time to read. I will continue to add new articles as I write them.

Some of these articles are from my first manuscript, Great and Mighty Things, which I started writing in January 1982 and completed in 2000. This manuscript is a walk through the Bible and covers the Bible in summary narratives from Genesis to Revelation. The manuscript has never been published and has been used for my studies. Beginning in 2000, I began revising and expanding chapters into articles. Some were used to develop church Bible study materials. Others I have recently written or have borrowed from other sources. Most of what I have in the post section of this website were originally part the above manuscript.

I hope you will take the time to read some or all the articles. Click on the one you wish to read.

  1. Purchased on the Cross
  2. Where is Zion – God’s Holy Mountain?
  3. “Nuggets from Wayne’s Library”
  4. “Hidden Treasures”
  5. “The Angel of the Lord”
  6. Rewards and Judgments”
  7. “Most Important Chapters in the Old Testament”
  8. “The Messianic Psalms” – Written by a different author.
  9. “His Creation”
  10. In The Image of God
  11. “A Contrast of Christianity and Islam”
  12. “The Golden Age of Israel”
  13. “The Jewish Dispersion”
  14. “Major Themes of the Writing Prophets”
  15. The 1000-Year Reign of Christ on Earth
  16. Heaven and Eternity

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